The Market Euphoria of Today’s Economy

The year is 2020. The streets of New York are quiet, the stores are all closed, and the government has mandated everyone to wear a face mask outside. If you thought this was an intro to a dystopian novel, I couldn’t blame you. These past few months have been surreal to say the least. Things that were completely unimaginable to Americans pre covid-19 have taken … Continue reading The Market Euphoria of Today’s Economy


Welcome to MarketsandFed, a blog started by two guys who regularly speculate on the U.S. markets and actions of the Fed. Just to get some details out of the way: No, we’re not doing this on behalf of a firm or entity We’re not advisors, we’re idiots. Okay, maybe that’s going too far. We’re semi-professionals working in the Finance industry. All of the opinions expressed here are … Continue reading Welcome