About us

Welcome to MarketsandFed, a blog started by two guys who regularly speculate on the U.S. markets and actions of the Fed. Just to get some details out of the way:

  • No, we’re not doing this on behalf of a firm or entity
  • We’re not advisors, we’re idiots. Okay, maybe that’s going too far. We’re semi-professionals working in the Finance industry.
  • All of the opinions expressed here are our own and none of it should be taken for investment advice. Please do not read one of our rants and proceed to put your entire life savings in SPY puts. There’s a sub-reddit for that and it’s called r/wallstreetbets. If you want high stakes gambling or just to get a good laugh at other people’s expense, go there. Or you can go to Vegas. At least that way your money is going back into the economy.
    We mainly started this blog because we wanted to add some more colorful commentary in the already very crowded space of talking heads. Think of us like CNBC except unfiltered and done by amateurs.

Why listen to us? That’s a good question. And we don’t know either. What you can expect though is honest, unregulated commentary untouched by the interests of big business and hinged only on our broad understanding on how things work.

We’re not trying to sell you anything and we’re not asking you to subscribe to our newsletter. We just want to rant. And boy do we have a lot to rant about. If you disagree with us, join us with a rant in the comments. We may chose to reply or ignore your rant.

All of our opinions are expressly our own and do not reflect that of any firms and/or employers, nor is it any investment guidance to buy or sell any investments. We may hold positions in companies that we are reviewing and we will try our best to disclose our positions but it many not always be disclosed due to an oversight or confidential engagements.